Let's Chat!

I'm here to report, listen & learn about the beauty of life!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

One Fine Saturday

I had one of the most delightful Saturday's yet in "the city" today. I met my friend Maddy at Cafeteria for lunch - Cafeteria is actually the first place I ever went for lunch last time I was in NYC. I got there famous mac 'n cheese - it is to die for! And it reminds me of Bishop's back home! There were two women seated next to us - an older woman in her 70's I'd guess and her daughter who I would say is in her 50's. They were such fun - I realized right away they were Cafeteria "regulars." There server Sarah (who was extremely full of life) had given them each a special gift. Each time they peeled away more of the wrapping ribbon a new gift would fall in their lap. One of the gifts was a "fortune teller fish." Each of them tried it and couldn't seem to get it to work. I had been visiting with them and thought I'd give the little fish a try. And....

Instantly it curled it's head and tail up! According to the "fortune teller fish" I am passionate and in love. It was quite funny actually because as the older woman was unwrapping hers I asked her "Do you have something in there that will find me Mr. Right" and they both giggled at me. I'm not sure what to think of my "fortune" just yet - but I'm excited to see!

The rest of the story gets funnier - Maddy put that little fish in the palm of her hand and it went crazy. The woman in her 50's said "You are X Rated girl" and the older woman said "You are hot stuff." They weren't sure how to read Maddy's "fortune." I just had to laugh - they were such pleasant women and it felt good to be around people that felt like home.

The most interesting part of this story - I told them I was from Iowa and they said "You know your waitress is from Iowa too." My jaw hit the table. I love finding out there are more people from the Midwest in New York. So thanks to the luxury of having a BlackBerry we were Facebook friends within five minutes and planned to meet up sometime in the future! I had hot chocolate for dessert and my new friend had placed a chocolate "I" on top for IOWA!

I hope I can run into these older women at Cafeteria again sometime. After paying there bill they were getting ready to leave and the younger of the two leaned over and said "You girls speak well for Iowa." I felt proud and was excited that other people enjoy the culture in NYC as much as I do!

Pictures above are from Cafeteria with my fortune teller fish, yummy mac 'n cheese and "I" hot chocolate! I have a cold so off to bed now - enjoy your night!


  1. Next time I am in NYC I want to go to the Cafeteria, it looks so good! Sounds like you had an amazing day-you make Iowa proud! love ya~

  2. Tomato soup with the grilled cheese crouton and a side of mac 'n cheese from Cafeteria are New York MUSTS!! It's my favorite late night spot in the entire city.

  3. Hey girlie,

    I hear the waitress is from New Hampton. What a small world. I think her dad was a teacher of my brother's in high school and friends of Kevin's mom and dad. You will have to ask her. Crazy small world. I sure enjoy all your posts and the fashion week pictures.

